How We Begin is a canon-oriented Merlin BBC fan fest focusing on first meetings.Be it a missing scene from the show or a twist on a meeting we saw on screen, all fanworks playing with the concept of a first meeting in canon-verse are welcome entries to this fest.Creators can sign up throughout May and are welcome to post their creations any time during the posting period in June.


Find answers to the most important questions here. If you have specific queries, feel free to contact the mods via Tumblr or Discord.


What constitutes a first meeting?
Any encounter between two or more canon characters in which they meet for the first time and interact in such a way that they would recognise each other later.
What is meant by canon-verse?
All fanworks need to depict a first meeting that is either canon-compliant (i.e. something that would seamlessly fit in the show without contradicting canon events) or is set in a canon-adjacent universe (e.g. canon divergence).
Can you give me some examples?
A canon-compliant work could show the first meeting between Gwen and Morgana, or the day Uther first laid eyes on Ygraine. A canon-adjacent work could have Merlin come to Camelot years earlier and meet Arthur when they are both children.
What if two characters never met in canon?
You are allowed to twist the canon plot and timeline in any way you want to make people meet, as long as they are canon characters.


Who is allowed to participate?
We are limiting this fest to 18+ year old participants. We require all participants to be responsible about their fest experience.
What are the minimum requirements for an entry?
All fic has to be at least 500 words long, no maximum.
Art and other fanworks have to clearly depict a first meeting, in whichever level of detail/length you want.
Which entries are allowed?
Any form of fic (narrative, poetry, ...), any form of art (digital, traditional, gif sets, moodboards, crafts…) as well as other fanworks (e.g. podfics, fanvids) are accepted, as long as they fit the theme. Any ratings, any relationships (including gen, QPR etc.) are allowed. Please warn accordingly for sensitive content in adherence to the rules on AO3 or the posting platform of your choice. When in doubt, ask the mods!
Which content is NOT allowed?
Modern AUs, post-canon AUs, and any other AUs far removed from canon-verse are not allowed. That includes cross-overs with other fandoms. RPF will also not be accepted for this fest.
Can I submit a WIP?
Yes! As long as your WIP was first posted for the fest and clearly includes a first meeting, you are welcome to submit (e.g. the first chapter of a larger fic, the first page of a multi-page cartoon).
Do I need to get my entry beta’d?
We encourage you to find somebody to have a second look at your fanwork.
Can I submit prequels, sequels, podfics, fanart... relating to other works?
Yes, as long as a first meeting is depicted. However, if you are basing your fanwork on someone else’s, please use good etiquette and ask that creator for permission first!
Can I collaborate with other creators?
Can I use AI like ChatGPT or similar?
We consider use of AI to be plagiarism. Works which are found to be created with AI, even in part, will be disqualified from the fest and removed from the collection as well as our Tumblr.


When, where and how can I post?
Posting will happen any time between June 10 and June 24, 2024. There is no rigid posting schedule. You can post to our AO3 collection whenever you are ready!
If you don’t have an AO3 account or don’t want to upload there for any reason, you can post your work on Tumblr, or any other accessable platform. Just make sure to send us a link for reblogging on Tumblr!
Can I cross-post with other fests like Merlin Bingo?
If those fests allow cross-posting, yes!
Can I submit more than one entry?
We encourage multiple entries and are looking forward to anything you would like to share with us, as long as all works meet the minimum requirements!
What if I can’t finish by the deadline?
Life happens, the muses are fickle. Feel free to post your work after the fest is over, though we may not be able to host it in the AO3 collection or share it on Tumblr. Remember: WIPs are allowed, as long as the first meeting is shown.


How can I contact the mods?
You can send us a message or ask on Tumblr, ping a mod in our channel in the Tavern Discord server or send us an email.


Sign-Ups Start: May 1, 2024
Sign-Ups End: June 1, 2024
Posting Starts: June 10, 2024
Posting Closes: June 24, 2024


Sign-up here on Airtable!